Objectives Of Our Trust
1. For the welfare and upliftment of all categories of traditional handicraft workers Central Government / State Government, Local Government Institutions Khadi Commission, Khadi Village Development Board, Social Welfare Board, Women Development Corporation, Coconut Development Board, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Semi Govt / Public Sector Undertakings, Nationalized / Cooperative Banks, NABARD, Labor Fed, Employees State Insurance Corporation, Employees Provident Fund Organization National Institute for Career Services, VVGiri National Labor Institute, Central Board workers Education, Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labor Institutes, Central Labor Institutes etc. This trust has been formed with the aim of providing the sanctioned projects from various agencies with equal importance and thereby raising their standard of living and social status.
2. To work for the prosperity, welfare, social welfare and progress of all sections of the workers in the scope of work and to formulate and implement various schemes and programs adequate for the same.
3. The overarching objective is to achieve sustainable development and self-reliance through mutual aid schemes of all categories of workers and the working community.
4. Carry out such things as may be necessary to fulfil, encourage and inculcate the spirit of self-reliance, morality, equality, secularism, thrift, brotherhood, family security, thrift, co-operation and sense of justice among the members.
5. Develop and implement various schemes and awareness programs to create, strive for, preserve, strengthen and enhance labour friendly workplaces.
6. To plan and implement psychological, economic, social, artistic and sports physical programs for the welfare and prosperity of the members.
7. Welfare activities of the Central State Governments and Local Self-Governments to ensure transparency in administration, elimination of corruption and to implement necessary schemes to prevent loss of public funds. To create knowledge and awareness among the workers about the schemes and services and ensure necessary cooperation to deliver such benefits. Organize and promote arts, sports, technology, science, engineering, agricultural work, literature, cinema, drama and cultural biodiversity fairs among the members and to plan and implement various schemes and programs to ensure cleanliness awareness and waste prevention. Give special emphasis on waste management.
9. Promote blood donation, eye donation, clean water supply, food donation, computer literacy, legal literacy, social awareness, swimming training, organ donation, clothing donation, driving training and spread Gandhian secularism, healthy lifestyle and sportsmanship among the members. To spread the ideas, visions and theories of social justice, equality, volunteering and volunteering services.
10. Conduct educational classes against alcohol, drugs, child labour eradication, smoking, suicidal tendencies, etc. Conduct anti-drug camps, campaigns and cyber security special drives.
11. Provide all necessary assistance to the families of all categories of workers on a priority basis.
12. In addition to providing due consideration to differently-abled, transgenders, elderly, widows, etc. workers, workers subjected to various labour abuses, economically and socially backward sections of workers, and workers belonging to minorities / SC / ST categories, besides carrying out welfare activities, employment, marriage, Implement rehabilitation programs in areas such as further education and treatment.
13. Provide new housing for all categories of workers who do not have their own houses in the housing construction scheme and provide them with non-profit.
14. Conduct all available welfare training programs in joint collaboration with Central State Government, Local Self-Government and various Government Boards.
15. Schools, Colleges, Other Non-Dharma, Educational Institutions, Vocational Training Centres, Coaching Centres, Dharma Hospitals, Community Halls, Village/Urban Service Centres to establish, undertake and maintain non-profit institutions, rest centres, social hospitals, labour service centres, labour force corps, etc.
16. Formulate and implement all reasonable, fair and justifiable schemes to achieve the objectives
17. Stand up to effectively protect the best interests of women workers for their advancement, development and welfare in accordance with the objectives.
18. Provide assistance to all categories of workers who need assistance regardless of caste, religion, gender.
19. To improve the standard of living of the workers and to achieve the objectives of the Trust, co-ordinate and form a consortium with other not-for-profit organizations working in a similar manner to the objectives of the Trust.
20. E. To create a welfare fund for the workers and make them participate in it and secure the future of the members. Schemes like SI, PF and Group Insurance are implemented. Providing vocational and vocational technical training directly or through other institutions, individuals, institutions or cooperatives on a not-for-profit basis.
21. File petitions, complaints and writ petitions to the Central Government / State Government, Local Government Bodies, Labor Department, Welfare Boards, Central Industrial Tribunals, Labor Courts, etc. for the protection and rights of workers at workplaces.
22. Organize commemoration days for workers who have died in accidents while working.
23. Provide all necessary functions and services to ensure legal protection of workers
24. Endeavor to implement conservation arrangements with the approval of the department to protect the habitat of flora and fauna and to protect flora and fauna in times of food scarcity.
25. The work of the organization shall be entirely without caste, religion, gender, without political discrimination, emphasizing the welfare and prosperity of the society.
Support Workers' Trust
We provide essential resources and support for the working class through our charitable initiatives.
Community Outreach
Engaging with local communities to raise awareness and provide assistance to workers in need.

Financial Assistance
Offering financial support and guidance to help workers navigate challenging economic situations effectively.
Empowerment Programs
Developing programs aimed at empowering workers through education, training, and skill development opportunities.

Heartfelt Voices
Discover genuine feedback from our community supporting worker empowerment.
WUCT has changed my life positively; their support is invaluable to workers.
As a beneficiary, I can attest to the positive impact WUCT has on our community by providing essential support and resources for workers—thank you for your dedication!